After falling in love with programming five or so years ago, I have explored many areas of software engineering. I have done lots of work in computer graphics because I really enjoy the spatial reasoning, low level API's, computational geometry and performance engineering that are so common in the field. I have also spend much time developing my algorithmic prowess. I used spend large portions of my free time LeetCoding and competitive programming. More recently, I have been interested in Systems Engineering. I have been exploring Rust and the ways that it can be leveraged to build scalable, robust, safe, and generally 'good' software. I have also spent lots of time learning my tools and optimizing my workflow. These days I'm feeling highly productive in my riced Neovim setup. I have worn many hats in the programming world, and am excited to wear many more.
Everythong from GPGPU to accelerated computational geometry.
I enjoy squeezing every last FLOPS out of my processors.
I eat DP for breakfast.